Front Row Reviewers

Jan 12, 2019 | Theater Reviews, Uintah County

Vernal Theatre: LIVE’s performance of Nunsense Will Have You Rolling in the Aisles

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Katie Flaniken

If you’re in desperate need of a good laugh and real humor, (and who isn’t?) then Vernal Theatre: LIVE’s production of Nunsense is for you!

This delightful musical comedy tells the story of a group of nuns who have recently lost the vast majority of their order to a deadly food poisoning. After running out of money before they’ve finished interring all of the dearly departed, the five performing nuns must now put on a riotous show in order to earn enough money to bury the last four of the poor deceased sisters that are currently resting stuffed in the convent’s freezer.

Whenever I watch a live production, I try to find the scene stealer. I love trying to catch the one person, that, even in the background, draws your eye, and makes every scene that much better with their own addition. There are no scene stealers in Nunsense. Or maybe, each and every character is on such an elevated level, they are all the stealers of each scene.

Taunia Wheeler as Reverend Mother Mary Regina  is petite, but she plays the strong, fierce, stern leader of the nuns so well. Her bravado is bigger than life. But better than this funny, often cheeky character is when she completely loses control after a brief run in with a drug called “Rush.” Her wild, uninhibited antics has the audience roaring with laughter.

Second in command, Sister Mary Hubert, played by Claire Owens, has some of the best comedic timing I’ve seen onstage in such a long time. Her interactions and chemistry with the rest of the cast is delightful and hilarious from the very beginning of the show. Before the show, even. Owens meandered through the audience scolding children while brandishing a ruler. Her character is spot on and she never falters throughout the entire performance.

Nashelle Jackson’s Sister Mary Leo is adorably eager. Each scene Jackson is in, she showcases a larger than life smile that suits the character perfectly. As the novice of all the nuns, Jackson portrays this youthful innocence and the desire to please and prove herself in the most comical and relatable way.

Sister Robert Anne is my favorite character of the show, and Carrie Chapman’s portrayal is outstanding. Her facial expressions and physical comedy repeatedly made me snort—The ugly, guttural kind of snort that only the funniest of jokes can bring on. Robert Anne is meant to be a funny role, but Chapman makes her hysterical.

Last, but definitely not least, is Sister Mary Amnesia played by Cami Harrison. This woman’s awareness of the audience is killer. In a show that involves the audience so much, Harrison brings down the house with her witty improvisation, comebacks, and quirky, ditzy personality. If there were to be a scene stealer, it might just be Harrison.

Whenever I review a show, I like to take extensive notes to help me when I write. I took almost no notes at all during this production because I was so entirely wrapped up in the show. I didn’t want to chance missing one joke, one song, not even one facial expression. Each actress is so completely consumed in her respective role, and each is sidesplitting. What more is there to say, really? All five members of the cast are downright funny.

I want to applaud the direction by Russell Pearson, with assistant direction by Andrew Bentley. This pair directed a great show. The storytelling is impeccable. But more importantly, they were able to teach the actresses how to be the storytellers. I believe the ladies are each incredibly talented, but these directors guided them, and coached them, and then opened them up and set them free so that they could make this show the success that it is. Well done, gentlemen.

Filled to bursting with one-liners, antics, audience participation, and some of the best improv, Nunsense will absolutely have you crying tears of laughter. Perfect for date night, family night, or any night, Vernal Theatre: LIVE’s Nunsense is a show for everyone who loves to laugh. Are there really any of us that don’t?

Vernal Theatre: LIVE presents Nunsense. Book, music, and lyrics by Dan Goggin.
Vernal Theatre: LIVE  40 E. Main St. Vernal, UT 84078
January 11-12, 14, 17-19, 2019 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM
Tickets: $8-10 (With a $1.00 fee when purchasing at the door)
Contact: 435-219-2987
Vernal Theatre: LIVE Facebook Page
Nunsense Facebook Event

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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