Front Row Reviewers

Jan 5, 2019 | Musings

What Christmas Means to Us at Front Row Reviewers Utah

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Reviewers, Editors, and Publishers at Front Row Reviewers Utah

I love Christmas activities, all kinds. For music–we listen to a lot of modern interpretations (Barenaked Ladies, The Lower Lights) but enjoy more traditional pieces, as well. Our experience seeing The Lower Lights at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City this year was one of our favorite activities so far this year. I also loved seeing The Moscow Ballet‘s Great Russian Nutcracker in Grand Junction, CO. A lovely interpretation of a Christmas classic. ~Jennifer Mustoe, CEO, Editor-in-Chief, Front Row Reviewers

I am that friend people complain about. Not only do I listen to Christmas music before Halloween, I actually listen to it year-round. And at Christmas, I have no problems interspersing some Easter hymns. This is partially a function of having a love of sacred music borne of decades in a church choir, but music can move people’s spirits no matter the season. I do feel this more when ‘tis the season. I love watching A Christmas Carol or It’s A Wonderful Life and have had the great good fortune to see Utah Metropolitan Ballet‘s The Nutcracker performed magnificently this season, but I never feel really ready for the holiday until after I’ve performed some carols of my own. Growing up, The Nutcracker at the Boston Ballet was a yearly must for my family. I’ve never grown out of it—I still geek out when the tree grows—so when I was privileged to review Utah Metropolitan Ballet’s production this year, I came into it remembering how it allows children to learn wonder and reminds adults that the world is still fantastic. It let me celebrate kindness and that was a great thing for the start of my season. ~Kathryn Olsen, Reviewer/Editor/Board Member, Front Row Reviewers

Christmas has always been a big deal in my family. I still remember the year that Santa brought my sister a Barbie doll house – I got to help him put it together. Did you know Santa knew how to swear? 😮 My parents always had that one special gift for my sister and I and for each other. I still have mom’s replacement wedding ring (that dad wrapped in an electric skillet). Then my sister started ballet and it was Nutcracker from mid October until New Years Day. It is still not Christmas to me until I have listened to The Nutcracker Suite from beginning to end. As I started my own family, we started our own Christmas traditions. One of which is the family getting together and making a traditional Christmas turkey dinner. To me, that is what Christmas is all about – family. Small or large, near or far, family is what Christmas means to me….and that includes my extended family online….because you all mean the world to me. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy whatever winter holiday you celebrate. May the season be good to you all. ~Cindy Whitehair, Reviewer, Front Row Reviewers

As tradition my family starts listening to Christmas music after Thanksgiving. Some Christmas music gets repetitive so I listen to other types of music as well during the Christmas season. My favorite Christmas album is the Mannheim Steamroller Christmas. ~Megan Holley, Reviewer, Front Row Reviewers

This year, I decided to focus less on the traditional “to-do list” stuff and attend as many Christmas music/dance/theatre events as I could with people I love. It started with The Nutcracker in Logan and included White Christmas, American Festival ChorusVoice Male, and Bar J Wranglers. My Christmas music experience will culminate in singing with a group of good friends at St. John’s Episcopal Church’s Midnight service on Christmas Eve. These events have filled the season with less stress and more love. Thank you, Front Row Reviewers for encouraging me to get out of my house and make experiences the way to celebrate this year. ~Debbie Ditton, Reviewer/Publisher, Front Row Reviewers

The month of December is pure party-time craziness at our house. My hubs and I married 36 years ago on Dec. 11. That wouldn’t be so crazy except that his birthday is Dec. 16 and mine is Dec. 21. So…yep…December is our Ani-Birth-Mas month. We also have the house that has all the parties for extended family. And I lead the church choir for the Christmas program. So if you need me in December…I’ll be the one buried under a bunch of gift wrap and tinsel singing my heart out to Christmas carols! Back to real life in a week or so. ~Suzanne Reese, Reviewer, Front Row Reviewers

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