Front Row Reviewers

Count Anatomy Of Arithmetic As The Uncommon Denominator For Riot Act Theater In Salt Lake City

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers

By Ben Watson

Riot Act Theater finds new combinations of relationship numerology in Whit Hertford’s Anatomy of Arithmetic, presented in the versatile Ember SLC event space, running in rep with The Aliens, by Annie Baker. The short two-night run is unfortunate for those who miss out, but quite understandable given the level of emotional investment by the small cast of Riot Act regulars. When the two lead actors are still in tears after the final fade-out, you know you have witnessed lightning in a bottle. Riot Act Theater seems quite adept at harnessing that spark at the Ember SLC event space in downtown Salt Lake City.

Within moments of the stark florescent flicker lighting up the gritty bedroom shared by Ratio TV (Austin Archer) a self-imagined mathematician, and Mouse (McKenzie Steele-Foster) a struggling but earnest balloon artist, we realize that this is no ordinary Utah theater experience – nor ordinary theater, period. We are inches away from the interpersonal relationship explosion these two become. Archer plays Ratio with manic departure, but constantly grounding human insecurity. His mathematical sojourns are less Feynman than they are John H. Conway, oscillating between sexual adolescence and polymath enlightenment. Steele-Foster, easily one of the most courageous actors on the Utah theater scene, attacks the role of Mouse head on and bare to the world. Her unfeigned sensuality is only slightly tempered by the needy toxic co-dependency of the character. It is in watching these two in opposing corners of the space, but with the incredibly intimate closeness that Hertford’s staging affords, that the audience is treated and subjected unforgivingly to every nuance that effects their sweat-dripping, gut-punched performances. Especially on the seemingly guileless face of Steele-Foster, waves of churning venom wash from her dark eyes to her lips to be bit off and spit at Archer’s form. Just as passionately, this venom cools and coagulates into the undercurrent and overt exposition of sexual power. Hertford’s script is brilliantly writ, but this is truly a character and actor-driven grind.

Into this world enter the ancillary but essential characters that spring from the internal playlist of ex-lovers who, in Ratio’s prime equation, are the reason he and Mouse are the way they are.  Andy Rindlisbach and Allie Russell bring these former relationships to a sardonic and surprisingly defusing quash of reality, and the pair successfully amalgamate the catalog of off-the-rails significant others that all of us, save the most virginal, have amassed in our lives.  It is through their eyes that Ratio TV and Mouse realize that the self-destructive kabbalah of blame they have constructed is nothing more than so much random numerology. Alone together at last, the bituminous couple explode the heart of their pairing like the balloon sculpture in Mouse’s dream. The shrapnel from this explosion impacts both actor and audience alike.

Hertford’s script is accessible and universal to all who have loved. His directing connects his cast uniquely to the audience. Fair warning, though… this is not theater for the faint of heart. Anatomy Of Arithmetic is chock full of mature themes and challenges.  Strobe sequences and on-stage smoking are also present.

Playing through December 11th at the Ember SLC event space in rep with The Aliens, Anatomy Of Arithmetic is the latest of the avant garde productions from the Riot Act Theater shop. Founder Hertford says: “I really try to make sure Riot Act stands apart from other theater experiences, and the brand has had great success in London, so I’m just trying to carry that over here.”A number pfizer viagra sales of surgeries and injuries of the male sex organ or surgical treatment of the male sex organ is the reason behind erectile dysfunction. generic levitra cheap Everything what I mention above makes sense in the advanced stages of the biliary pancreatitis, as well. Canadian Pharmacy Online Saves Time Buying from a Canadian pharmacy levitra generika probe important source online that has made it so popular. So soft generic viagra usually, an online driver ed program is much more exciting than those classroom teaching courses because of the interesting materials available.

Riot Act works deserve larger audiences, and if you consider yourself a serious student of theatrical accomplishment, you owe it to yourself to bring others into the Riot Act fold.

Riot Act Presents Anatomy Of Arithmetic by Whit Hertford
Ember SLC, 623 State St., Salt Lake City, UT 84111
December 10-11, 9:00 pm, in rep with (after) The Aliens
Tickets: $25.00 for both productions, or $19.00 for one
The Aliens + Anatomy of Arithmetic Facebook Event
Riot Act Facebook Page
Ember SLC Facebook Page  

Front Row Reviewers

Front Row Reviewers


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